A quick guide to writing AI prompts that work (infographic)

4 essential principles for writing effective AI prompts / Infographic by Tailwind

Even the best AI tool will produce worthless results if it receives a bad brief.

That’s why it becomes increasingly important to know how to properly “talk” to artificial intelligence, be it ChatGPT, Adobe Firefly, or AI features integrated into a growing number of popular online services.

An AI prompt is a specific instruction or question provided to an AI system to generate a response or complete a task.

You have to be clear and specific. You have to state your problem and explain what you expect to receive. The worst thing you can do is to give mixed instructions.

From Tailwind comes an infographic that explains how to write AI prompts that work

The infographic accompanies an article that’s addressed specifically to marketers, but mastering the art of writing AI prompts is invaluable for anyone.

Tailwind is a social media & email marketing platform focused on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. It offers an advanced AI engine to quickly create ready-to-post content.

Click on the image to see it enlarged.

Source: How To Write AI Prompts – Tailwind Blog

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