Inspiring daily routines of the famous creative minds (infographic)

An infographic by RJ Andrews from InfoWeTrust analyzes daily activities of 16 creative minds, including authors / Source: The Visual Capitalist

Have you developed a daily routine that helps you stay focused and productive? Does the routine help unlock creativity at all?

Some people find that having a regular, repeatable workday is incredibly important, while others find that it stifles their creativity. 

From RJ Andrews comes an interesting chart that compares daily routines of the world’s most creative minds, Charles Dickens, Le Corbusier, Beethoven, and Thomas Mann among them.

The visual denotes certain categories for daily activities like working creatively, sleeping, leisure, exercise, or social time. One thing to keep in mind is that the clocks are 24-hour, not 12, so what’s at the bottom is a midday.

▸ The average amount of time spent on creative work for the word’s top creative minds was just over 8 hours a day. 

▸ Honoré de Balzac usually spent 13.5 hours a day on creative work, while Victor Hugo only 2 hours.

▸ Maya Angelou daily routine was similar to a modern workday. She was usually writing between 7 AM and 2 PM.

▸ Balzac wrote from 1:00 AM to 4:00 PM, with only an hour and a half nap break in between. He needed 50 cups of coffee to stay focused.

Click on the visual to see in full resolution. Below the main visual, you will see the daily routines of the writers.

Daily routines of famous writers

Source: The Daily Routines of Famous Creatives – The Visual Capitalist

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